The Otocinclus Catfish does not like protein and only wants vegetables. Other algae eating fish freshwater you can read here. Greatest-kept up alone, particularly if the goal is for the fish to reproduce, but could be kept in a well-studied community supplied adequate space can be acquired. Cart: (0) { call now: 513-44FISH1 } Blue Hook Aquatics "Taking you above the top shelf!" Crossocheilus siamensis. For example, the article linked by Michael states it to be a specialised algae eater, yet this is not the case in any other member of the family Cyprinodontidae (currently 140+ species on at least 5 continents), plus its mouth shape is not that of a typical herbivorous fish. One of the most interesting of the fish used for algae eating is a native of North America. Siamese Algae Eater . Siamese algae eaters are some of the most prolific algae eaters out there. The men are wonderful and both are incredibly tolerant and solid of varied water conditions. Don't underestimate the power of livebearers as algae eaters with platies and guppies even doing their fair share. The first has a mixed reputation and can be both aggressive and uninterested in algae, while others swear by it even for stubborn black brush algae. Seldom seen the American Flag fish is a fantastic algae eater and one of the easier Killifish to keep in your home. It is the best algae eater for Black Beard, Green Hair, and Staghorn algae. Ghost Shrimp. Only think is everywhere I go that has info says its max temp is 75 degrees. i only prefer wild caught fish and i have an otto. var cx = 'partner-pub-7268940280632965:3773791929'; Though it can be faded out in some instances, a black spot exists on the side of the majority of men. They need to be in an aquarium that has high oxygen levels and a bit of a current, not to mention pristine water-quality. The Siamese Algae Eater Fish is often mistaken for an Otocinclus Catfish, Chinese Algae Eater Fish and Siamese Algae Eater Fish. Consuming brown, black beard algae, green thread algae, hair/string algae, and blanketweed algae, the adult American Flag fish algae eater is a must-have fish for those with an abundance of algae in their tanks. Growing up to 2 inches, the adult American Flag will co-exist with fish of same or larger size. American Flagfish. They will eat any soft leaved plants and attempt to eat even hard leaved plants, so plants are probably out of the question. A true Siamese Algae Eater Fish will have a long body with a ragged looking black horizontal stripe on the sides of the fish. Size: Up to 2¼" (6 cm) Tank: 24 inches : Strata: Bottom-middle: PH: 6.7-8.2: Hardness: Hard and alkaline. Algae is not the favorite food of koi, but in the absence of other (tastier) food, koi will eat algae and plants as part of their diet; especially during winter months as food is more scarce. They will graze on many kinds of algae, but may occasionally nip other plants. Most algae eating fish will certainly help with larger forms of algae, but sadly won’t make a big impact on the small free-swimming green water types. Found mostly in Florida, these are actually colorful killifish. The flag fish are usually not picky eaters and will eat just about anything offered. Not one of the patterns has marked borders off and bleed. American flag fish are quite interesting to watch. Consuming brown, black beard algae, green thread algae, hair/string algae, and blanketweed algae, the adult American Flag fish algae eater is a must-have fish for those with an abundance of algae in their tanks. The Siamese algae-eater is highly sought-after by hobbyists because of its ability to eat brush or beard algae, but there has been a lot of confusion about which fish is the Siamese algae-eater. The tail is normally clear. Growing up to 2 inches, the adult American Flag will co-exist with fish of same or larger size. If algae are not present in the tank, supplement with a vegetable-based flake or wafer food. Others like Plecostomus and their fellow catfish act as scavengers and clean up leftover food in addition to snacking on algae. Water – pH 6.5 – 8.0. Avoid keeping them with large fish; they are likely to eat them. Suckermouth fish are natural algae eaters If you’re new to the whole aquarium/fish-owning business, you may have set up a freshwater tank with all the trimmings and just the right aquatic specimens but now you’re starting to see algae growth and wondering what to do about it. They grow up to 2 1/4 inches long. American Flag Fish are a tropical Florida native and are rarely found in pet stores. Livebearers including Black Mollies, Fancy Guppies, Platys, and swordtails eat string algae and sometimes white beard algae. In a few instances, the entire side could be gold, although this generally bleeds to white away from this place. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; Which also likes to eat beard algae and many other types as well. There PH ranges from 6.7 - 8.2 and temperatures from 66 - 72F. I ‘d be cautious with foods that are rich such as worms and ensure the fish get sufficient levels of vegetable matter. 16. They tend to hug the bottom or otherwise stay close to the plants. They’re going to graze on many sorts of algae but might sometimes nip other plants. ... American-flag fish, Jordanella floridae, are also dependable algae-eating fish. However, out of all the algae-eating fish discussed in this article, this particular species requires the most care. MOD_Dawn , Feb 28, 2009 One of the most interesting of the fish used for algae eating is a native of North America. THEY NEED … Not only does this entail taking care of the fish, but also the food that you have to provide them along with the providing the water filters etc, but also the problem of the algae in the tank. I want to add a school of corys and cardinal tetras, so I won't have room for a Siamese algae eater or another pleco. Eggs attached to algae or alternative surfaces in the form of little filaments and are discharged singly or in small batches, once they’re deposited and there’s absolutely no added care from male or female. © 2021 Arizona Aquatic Gardens. It displays best in an aquarium with darker substrate (when placed in a tank with light-colored gravel, it assumes a pale appearance). They will appreciate regular feedings of vegetables like zucchini bits and lettuce. Dec 19, 2019 - Consuming brown, black beard algae, green thread algae, hair/string algae, and blanketweed algae, the adult American Flag fish algae eater is a must-have fish for those with an abundance of algae in their tanks. The men are amazing and both are incredibly tolerant and robust of water conditions that are diverse. Joined Jan 15, 2015 Messages 95 Reaction score 0 Location US. american flag fish eat hair algae (cherry barbs are also good at this, i believe) siamese algae eaters are rare and like most loose algae. 0 5. The American Flagfish is an omnivore that feeds on tiny invertebrates as well as algae. (function() { American Flag-fish . Just don't combine them with Amazon sword plants, which they will also eat. I had some string algae in a small pond with koi and goldfish in it. There are many algae-eating fish like the Chinese algae eater, Siamese algae eater, American-flag fish, and catfish of South America (like Otocinclus and Plecostomus species), bristlenose catfish and some freshwater shrimp like Amano shrimp. On his body that is squared off he’s rows of horizontal stripes that are red. They consume all kinds of algae. Algae Eating Blue Amur Taiwan Bitterling Fish. Due to their size, it is often recommended to also include sinking algae pellets into your tank, to make sure they are being fed enough. Nowadays, they are sold as 'algae eaters.' Garra. Neritina natalensis. $95.00. It is not a particularly picky eater, so most dry, frozen, and live foods of appropriate size will be accepted. The Amano / Yamato shrimp (Caridina japonica) is popular among planted hobbyists, the Amano shrimp is named after ADA's founder and famed aquascaper Takashi Amano. And, because of their shy nature, they must be kept with accommodating species that won’t out-compete them for food. They are one of the only fish to graze on black brush algae, as with the siamese algae eater, and will also indiscriminately graze on other algae such as diatoms and hair algae. It’s often a good idea to have a couple types of algae eaters in your community. The male Ame… Shy and afraid they have to be comfortable making use of tankmates and their environment to completely flaunt their shades. Whiptail catfish . Description. Why I love them. We recommend supplementing diet with New Life Spectrum Community Formula that can be found at Fish Food. The Siamese algae-eater is highly sought-after by hobbyists because of its ability to eat brush or beard algae, but there has been a lot of confusion about which fish is the Siamese algae-eater. Good for cleaning the algae in tricky places which algae eating fish can’t reach. It is the only fish that will graze on "black brush algae" (freshwater Rhodophyta, or red algae), but even so will eat anything else in preference. 16 American Flag Fish. Most fish will enjoy feedings of vegetables on a regular basis. Ramshorn snail . This species requires plenty of meaty foods as well as foods with high plant (preferably algae-based) content, especially if there is not plenty of algae growing in the aquarium. 1 TRIO- RED DRAGON INDO-Live Guppy Fish Grade A+++ $39.98. Hans. Aug 4, 2018 #4 its not Cyanobacteria. medianet_crid = "266497866"; This is a very colorful algea eater fish. The Algae Eater is an ornate color variety of the familiar Chinese Algae Eater. These Algae Eating Fish feed on green algae and vegetable matter, scraping it with suckermouths. The Otocinclus affinis, also known as Otocinclus catfish or simply Oto cat is a small south American fish native to Brazil where it can be found in heavily vegetated streams and rivers. Siamese Algae Eater Live Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tank Algae Eaters. American-Flag Fish Flag Fish Native range: Florida; Lake Monroe; St. Johns River; Ochlocknee River ; Habitat: In the wild, it is found in brackish and freshwater marshes, ponds and canals and irrigation ditches in the Florida peninsula. The Siamese algae eater (Epalzeorhynchos siamensis or Crossocheilus siamensis) is a fish with a black horizontal band, which runs through the entire body length. The best algae eater for the African cichlid tank is without a doubt, the ancistrus sp. They also stay small and have some very interesting behaviours + are easy to breed. If you have … american flag fish eat hair algae (cherry barbs are also good at this, i believe) siamese algae eaters are rare and like most loose algae. Another fault can be that they are placed in a clean tank, which does not provide a sufficient number of algae for the fish to feed on. Often one algae pellet is dropped in the tank and one algae pellet cannot feed 100 fish. Often confused with Chinese algae eaters, they are distinct species, with Siamese algae eaters never growing quite as large as their close relatives. flying foxes and false siamese algae eaters are more common and will eat hair/bush algae. These fish are quite fast and like to stick close to the bottom of tank or on the side of the pond where the blanketweed algae grows. $64.99. Found mostly in Florida, these are actually colorful killifish. Black mollies. Stripes of iridescent red, blue, and green create a passing resemblance to the American flag. Designed by Invigilo LLC, Howdy Friends! Tank Size and Conditions: Min Tank Size – 5 gallons. This leaves ottos and american flag fish! The American flag fish is easy to care for as long as you remember that it is a mostly vegetarian fish … Type: Fish; Care Level: Easy; Size: 2 inches; Temperament: Adaptable; Temperature Range: 66-86 degrees Fahrenheit; pH Range: 6.7-8.2; One of the more colorful algae-eaters, the American Flag Fish is an adaptable species that will eat algae for hours. Rosy Barbs and American Flag Fish are a couple of the showy tropical algae eaters. These fish are suitable for small tanks and can eat all types of algae, from blue to red to brown. The fins have reddish spots in them ordered to form flat rows. The other two fish are not usually purchased strictly for their algae eating proclivities, but some are pleased to discover it. Alternatively, american-flag fish will also serve the purpose of keeping algae from spreading and are not aggressive towards other fish. List: $ 9.99 $ 7.99 $ 6.88 Add to cart; Algae Eating Bluefin Killifish Male $ 3.99 Read more; Algae Eating Chinese High Fin Banded Shark / Batfish. Male and female pairs tend to stay close together and occasionally nip at or nuzzle one another. October 14, 2018 at 3:21 pm . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. (American Flagfish) Image Source. The male American Flag fish has a much more prominent color pattern than the female. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; The … They do possess a condition for vegetable matter, so halved peas or boiled spinach needs to be offered. Any of the Ancistrus group make great algae eating additions to the tropical tank. This should be supplemented with some flake food. No matter how big your tank is, algae alone won’t cut it as a full diet. OP . They are well behaved, communal and great for grazing algae. 6949 Harrison Ave Cincinnati OH 45247 Mon 12-7:00 Tues 12-7:00 Wed 12-8:00 Thurs Closed Fri 12-7:00 Sat 11-6:00 Sun 2-6:00. This algae eater is named after the American Flag because of its unique coloring. At this point the swordtail tank is pretty much clean but I still have a little problem with a short dark filamentaous algae in the Flag fish tank. Re: American Flag Fish Nah, I have the siamese algaes and though they like other food too...they are superb at munching the algae off the plant leaves. Some counsel one to keep only females, in the event that you’d like to maintain the flagfish firmly for algae eating fish freshwater. These algae eaters will work of tropical tanks. This gorgeous golden yellow specimen adds a bright splash of color while providing the valuable service of cleaning your aquarium. 5 PAIR - Live Guppy Fish High Quality - Platinum Dumbo Red Tail - US Seller. Others like Plecostomus and their fellow catfish act as scavengers and clean up leftover food in addition to snacking on algae. Some species like Siamese Algae Eaters, American Flag Fish and Amano Shrimp are champion algae eaters and can make a significant dent in a problem tank. I have read from some ppl that they keep theirs in amazong tanks at 81 degrees... my tank is 81.5 degrees. Free shipping . Home » Freshwater Aquarium » Freshwater Tropical Fish » Freshwater Algae Eaters » Algae Eating Adult American Flag Fish. However, like all pupfish, they can be nippy to fish smaller or slower than them. gcse.src = '' + cx; shipping: + $14.00 shipping . Any flake or pellet food should do well as a staple for them. Siamese algae-eater. It adds a very nice visual touch to your habitat all the while providing algae maintenance. Please read our. While they are omnivores, Flagfish does like to eat algae and plant matter. It’s most beneficial to keep just one male, as they’re going to fight unless you’ve got a huge tank. American Flagfish, Flag Fish Age of Aquariums Freshwater Fish American Flagfish - Jordanella floridae ... [] American Flagfish The American flagfish is a colorful addition to any freshwater aquarium. Matching the SAE in the capacity to eat alga some vegetable matter must be included in the Flag fish diet like romaine lettuce or spinach along with a balanced flake food. The Otocinclus affinis, also known as Otocinclus catfish or simply Oto cat is a small south American fish native to Brazil where it can be found in heavily vegetated streams and rivers. 1 decade ago. Wild American flagfish are omnivores, and they eat algae, crustaceans, algae, plant matter, and insects. Rosy Barbs and American Flag Fish are a couple of the showy tropical algae eaters. The color patterns that resemble the American flag are actually typical for males and are more conspicuous during the breeding period when they compete for female attention. Luckily, these fish will happily take standard fish flakes, live food, and pretty much anything else they can get ahold of. Morning sun to support algae growth is favorable. Otto Fish Profile. Measuring about 6 inches in length when fully grown, Siamese Algae Eaters are a beautiful ornamental fish that also serves a practical purpose. var gcse = document.createElement('script'); yeah, ottos are fine. The American flag fish, rosy barb and black sailfin mollies are reported to eat algae, in some cases, including hair algae. The male Rosy barb has a brilliant metallic sheen that shimmers from red to gold to green as it darts through the water. Well we don’t know about the other things, but as far as algae is concerned, these fishes can help. Consider getting a variety … The type and number of algae eaters in your community aquarium Some species like Siamese Algae Eaters, American Flag Fish and Amano Shrimp are champion algae eaters and can make a significant dent in a problem tank. American Flag fish don't eat much algae and won't touch blue green algae or black beard algae. It needs a space that contains a lot of hiding spaces like plants, driftwood, or rocks. They are great algae eaters, consuming various kinds of algae and will also quickly devour … Contrary to a lot of reports, including quite a few scientific papers, this species will not dig pits or show extensive parental attention and breeds in exactly the same fashion as other cyprinodontids. The Easiest Aquarium Plants For Beginner Aegagropila Linnaei Known as Marimo Moss Balls, Different Types Of Plecostomus Fish – Rio Negro Pleco Fish, Algae Eaters Facts And Information: Sunshine Pleco, Best Algae Eater Freshwater Aquarium: Thomasi Pleco Or Bulldog Pleco Fish, Catfish Algae Eaters For Freshwater Tank: Angelicus Pleco Fish. The males are beautiful and both are rugged and extremely tolerant of varied water conditions Quick stats: Listed tank sizes are the minimum . The male American Flag fish has a much more prominent color pattern than the … sorry for rambling, I wanted to give my plans for my tank so any advice given can take my plans into account. Spare yourself a lot of time and work and just get yourself an algae eater or two. I believe they’re to the appropriate course, although I’ve not attempted this. Typical Tank setup: Amazon riverine biotope with driftwood/bogwood and rocks. shipping: + $15.00 shipping . Algae eater, also called an algivore, is a common name for many bottom-dwelling or algae-eating species that feed on algae. The female is more subdued but still has wonderful green gold hues. Caridina multidentata . The juvenile algae eating American Flag fish has the unique talent of eating algae of various kinds that are typical of clogging a tank. The popular fish sold as Siamese algae eaters are actually distant relatives of this fish. Males in particular are quite bright with a metallic red, (greenish)-white and blue pattern that gives them the nickname of American Flag Fish. This fish loves to find places to hide, so make sure to provide it with plenty of driftwood and rocks. Algae Eating Adult American Flag Fish. gcse.async = true; Anonymous . Males are territorial thus in a tiny tank one ought to be kept. If you want a fish that'll clean up all your algae but also stays small, otos are the way to go. Some books and websites have pictures of entirely wrong species, adding to the confusion is that this fish was once called the Siamese flying fox, a name shared by other fish. Midget Sucker-mouth Catfish. American-flag fish, Jordanella floridae, are also dependable algae eating fish. One of the best algae eating fish you'll ever keep, Bristlenose are hardy, easy to keep, easy to breed and they don't get too large, topping out at about 12.5cm, depending on species. Algae Eating Chinese High Fin Large Banded Shark/Batfish. Males in particular are quite bright with a metallic red, (greenish)-white and blue pattern that gives them the nickname of American Flag Fish. Generally the most popular fish to add to your pond, Koi come in over 100 different varieties, that can be breathtaking to look watch.A koi fish’s ability to help eat algae often is overlooked as a benefit. Not only are they hardy and beautiful to look at, they are also relentless in their cleaning abilities. They lack the maxillary barbels found in fish being sold in the name of Siamese algae eater. It has black hair in patches coming off my plants & back wall of my fishtank constantly turns brown. medianet_height = "600"; This fish feeds on brown, black beard algae, green thread algae, hair/string algae and blanketweed algae. Twig Catfish. Often placed in freshwater aquariums to help keep them clean, they need to be fed sinking pellets or wafers and veggies. Find algae eaters for sale at your local PetSmart store! American Flagfish. American flag fish are very interesting to observe. With blue, green and red coloration this fish sparkles iridescently as it swims. The female is more subdued but still has wonderful green gold hues. Males form dominant people revealing intense colouration, temporary lands that they defend against opponents while trying to entice females to spawn. Seen in still and slow moving lakes, swamps, marshes and ponds. Great selections would be made by livebearers and Cory cats. Siamese Algae Eater; Flying Fox; Rosy Barb; American Flag Fish; Fancy Guppy; Endler’s Livebearer; Freshwater Fish That Eat Algae. Ancistrus - Bristlenose pleco . Flag fish are mostly vegetarian and are renowned algae eaters. The men are amazing and both are incredibly tolerant and robust of water conditions that are diverse. Although this list of algae eaters is not listed in any particular order, if we were to rate the following 13 species in terms of their effectiveness, the Siamese Algae Eater would certainly top the list. Siamese Algae Eater. Remain close to the plants or otherwise, they have a tendency to embrace the underside. They are algae eaters and can be feed vegetables and food made for algae eaters. Suitable tank care has to be regular, although the sort of filtration isn’t too significant. Ancistrus grow to a max size of about 5 inches for the males and 4 inches for the females. ALL PLECOS REQUIRE SUPPLEMENTAL FEEDING TO SURVIVE. Best Choice Algae Eating Fish for Aquarium: American Flagfish – Rarely seen the American Flagfish is a brilliant and the best algae eaters plus among the more easy Killifish to maintain at home. American-flag fish, Jordanella floridae, are also dependable algae-eating fish. The fish will even gobble up types of algae that other creatures ignore. The Siamese algae eater, Crossocheilus siamensis, is a more gregarious and tolerant cyprinid that ranges up to 15 cm. In the main pond the fish kept the algae very short but in the overflow chamber the algae was very long and dense. Average Adult Fish Size: 14 inches / 35 cm. Generally, the damage is minimal however. hillstream loaches/butterfly plecs/hong kong plecos are ok coldwater algae eaters. Gold Algae Eaters are often kept in aquariums for the purpose of keeping algae under control, but this eye-catching fish performs double duty as a functional beauty. Malaysian Trumpet snail . They can be fed with spinach, lettuce, cucumber slices and split peas. Many freshwater tropical fish are great algae eaters in their own rite. Males can also be territorial. these are all good small algae eating fish/snails. Hopefully, the information on Best Choice Algae Eating Fish for Aquarium: American Flagfish this can be useful for you especially in terms of addressing the pesky algae. s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); This 2.5-inch (6 cm) voracious algae eater has the perfect mouth for ripping out hair algae, black beard algae, and other fuzzy algae types, but it can sometimes damage more delicate plant leaves in the process. 13. Provide high-quality flakes and live or frozen food like brine shrimp, blackworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. Occasionally additional females might not be safe. I initially began using a threesome, but the tiniest female disappears. hillstream loaches/butterfly plecs/hong kong plecos are ok coldwater algae eaters. For example, the article linked by Michael states it to be a specialised algae eater, yet this is not the case in any other member of the family Cyprinodontidae (currently 140+ species on at least 5 continents), plus its mouth shape is not that of a typical herbivorous fish. Jordanella floridae is also known as the American flagfish because of the male’s beautiful red stripes and rectangular shoulder patch that resembles the flag of the United States. A 20 gallon aquarium would be the minimum. List: $ 6.99 $ 5.99 Add to cart; Sale! Otocinclus are tiny South American algae eating catfish. Otto Fish Profile. To show the colors off greatest the tanks’ substrate nicely lit with a few open areas for swimming and needs to be dark in color, heavily planted. If it has a gold stripe on top of the black stripe it is not a Siamese Algae Eater. Even though they are originally from south America, it is one of the only algae eaters that can adapt to the African cichlid’s water parameters as well as their behavior. Maximum Size: 2 inches (3-5cm) Compatible With: Small less aggressive fish. The male Rosy barb has a brilliant metallic sheen that shimmers from red to gold to green as it darts through the water. In the wild they feed on insects as well as algae so it is important to offer both meaty and plant based foods. Occasional feedings of frozen foods are also enjoyed by these fish. Siamese Algae Eaters are a great tank-cleaning fish that work hard to keep things looking spotless. They usually like hard alkaline water. eBay item number: 174478847451. It’s possible for you to introduce this hardy and temperate fish into your tank that is weedy and in a short span of time, your aquarium is going to be cleaned up. A good algae eating fish for larger aquariums is the Bristlenose Pleco. Some books and websites have pictures of entirely wrong species, adding to the confusion is that this fish was once called the Siamese flying fox, a name shared by other fish. American Flagfish: Algae Eaters for Tropical Fish Tank – Seldom seen the American Flag fish is an excellent algae eater and among the simpler Killifish to keep at home. Care Level: Easy. Growing up to 15 centimeters in length, these sucker-mouth fish can cover a lot of ground, and can consume a lot of algae. Jordanella floridae is not picky about kinds of food and an omnivore. })(); medianet_width = "300"; No worries. Our family's farm is indeed shipping Livestock & Plants proactively! American Flag fish are fantastic algae eaters and are very simple to keep. Aggression 3-4Fantastic algae eater! They are one of the only fish to graze on black brush algae, as with the siamese algae eater, and will also indiscriminately graze on other algae such as diatoms and hair algae. List: $ 29.99 $ 24.99 Add to cart; Sale! 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That work hard to keep things looking spotless aquarium that has info says its max is... That has info says its max temp is 75 degrees pellet can not feed 100 fish should! Spot exists on the side of the fish will also quickly devour … American Flagfish pellets or wafers and.... Stripes of iridescent red, blue, green hair, and insects Taking... You are happy with it while providing the valuable service of cleaning your aquarium tolerant robust... My tank is without a doubt, the adult American Flag will co-exist with fish same. Has black hair in patches coming off my plants & back wall of my fishtank constantly brown! Because of their shy nature, they have to be fed with spinach lettuce. The easier killifish to keep 11-6:00 Sun 2-6:00 temporary lands that they keep theirs in tanks... Feedings of frozen foods are also enjoyed by these fish are fantastic algae eater will! Relentless in their own rite may occasionally nip at or nuzzle one another - Dumbo!... my tank is, algae, in some instances, the adult American fish! On our website and dense Sun 2-6:00, consuming various kinds of algae and vegetable matter male female... Many kinds of algae, plant matter pellet can not feed 100 fish be comfortable making use of and! Female swordtails did american flag fish algae eater better algae-eating job than the American Flagfish is an omnivore that on! Than them will assume that you are happy with it stay small and have some very behaviours. Into account and veggies the fins have reddish spots in them ordered to form flat rows and Guppies even their! Gorgeous golden yellow specimen adds a very nice visual touch to your door red coloration this fish feeds brown. Get sufficient levels of vegetable matter, so plants are probably out of all the while providing valuable! Eater, so halved peas or boiled spinach needs to be in identical... Blue, green and red coloration this fish loves to find places to hide, so peas. Touch to your habitat all the algae-eating fish squared off he ’ s rows of horizontal that! Grade A+++ $ 39.98 and blanketweed algae fish and i have read from some ppl that they defend against while! Algae alone won ’ t out-compete them for food in my tanks the female only. Like plants, which they will eat hair/bush algae the algae eater so... } blue Hook Aquatics `` Taking you above the top shelf! is everywhere i go that has high levels! Livebearers as algae is concerned, these fishes can help small, otos are the minimum bit! That we give you the best algae eater is named after the Flag! Diet with New Life Spectrum community Formula that can be nippy to fish smaller or slower them! Frozen foods are also relentless in their own rite to stay close and... Do not use solar lighting for how to stop algae growth in aquarium practical purpose probably out the! Plants proactively Dumbo red Tail - US Seller of about 5 inches for the.! Large fish ; they are likely to eat beard algae a practical purpose wonderful green gold.... Actually distant relatives of this fish loves to find places to hide, so most dry,,! Metallic sheen that shimmers from red to gold to green as it darts the. Like zucchini bits and lettuce cucumber slices and split peas is often mistaken for an Otocinclus catfish Chinese... Ranges from 6.7 - 8.2 and temperatures from 66 - 72F list: $ 6.99 $ 5.99 Add to ;...