Marquee font - free fonts MARQUEE computer font v1.0 ©2003 Harold Lohner • • 33 Free marquee fonts (Page 2) - FontSpace @keyframes marquee { 0% { left: 0; } 100% { left: -100%; } } .testLabel .widget-Label { animation: marquee 5s linear infinite; } … Lost Wages is one of the marquee fonts that come with retro neon lettering. add your images to marquee scroll, vertical scrolling text marquee, onmouseover pause start marquee HTML CSS JavaScript … CSS animation keyframes on MDN . They are taking the place of HTML marquees by providing more features for scrolling text content and images. CSS marquees can be created with CSS animations, which make them standards-compliant. Here the text bounces at the speed which is the default. Good luck and happy coding! Lernen Sie die alternativen Möglichkeiten, kontinuierlich Text zu scrollen, ohne das veraltete Tag