Journal of Knowledge Management Practice
ISSN 1705-9232
In The Knowledge Garden: Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2013
A New Taxonomy Of Knowledge Management Theory: The Turn To Knowledge As Constituted In Social Action, Lesley Crane
Are There Really Foxes: Where Does The Doubt Emerge? Deborah Blackman, Amy Corcoran, Stephen Sarre
Acquiring And Sharing Knowledge In SMEs: A Case In The Manufacturing Industry, Päivi Haapalainen, Anne Mäkiranta
The Influence Of Information Technology On The Knowledge Management Process, Chong Chin Wei, Mehran Yeganeh
Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education: A Study of Students Preparing Assessed Group, Work, Lesley Chikoore, Gillian Ragsdell
Readiness As A Microfoundational Approach To Knowledge Management, Khalid Samara
Focus On Organisational Memory As An Enabler And Constrainer Of Innovation In Knowledge Management, Natasha Katuta Mwila