Angela Espinosa

Angela was born in Bogota, Colombia and graduated as a computer and
systems engineer in 1981 from Los Andes
University. She worked originally as an
Information Systems Manager, in private and
public enterprises, and then as the Director of
the Secretariat of Information and Systems of
the Colombian President's Office (1990 – 1992). In 1995 she graduated from a Ph D from Aston
Business School, Birmingham, UK on
Organisational Cybernetics and Strategic
Information Management.
From 1993 to 2002, she taught systems and cybernetics in Los Andes
University and provided consultancy for both the
private and public sectors. She led projects
involving the restructuring of national auditing
practices, the application of systems tools to
national educational and environmental policies,
and the introduction of participation in
political systems. Since 2002 she has been
researching and teaching with Hull Business
School. She has published several papers, book
chapters, edited special issues and act as a
reviewer on international journals.
In 2002 her work on cybernetics was recognised when Vienna
University and the International Federation of
Systems Sciences awarded her the prestigious
Ashby Lecture. She received an ‘Outstanding
Paper Award’ from Emerald Literati in 2007 and
the Norbert Wiener Award from Kybernetes: The
International Journal in Systems and
Cybernetics, in 2007. In 2007 she was also
awarded an EPSRC research fellowship for two
(three year) research projects on Emergence and
Complexity, focused on issues of complexity
management and self-organisation with
applications in sustainable communities and
transition management. |