Eve Mitleton-Kelly

Prof. Eve Mitleton-Kelly is
Director, Complexity Research Group, London
School of Economics & Political Science, London,
UK, and
Visiting Professor at the Open University.
EMK is a Member of the World Economic
Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Complex
Systems, and she
has had two careers - one in the British
Civil Service, Department of Trade & Industry
(1967-1983) and another as an academic at the
London School of Economics (since 1988).
EMK is founder and Director of the Complexity
Research Programme at the London School of
Economics; Fellow of the Royal Institution;
member of the Scientific Advisory Board to the
‘Next Generation Infrastructures Foundation’,
Delft University of Technology; on the Editorial
Board of the Journal of ‘Emergence: Complexity
& Organisations’; was Coordinator of
Links with Business, Industry and Government of
the European Complex Systems Network of
Excellence, Exystence (2003-2006);
Director of the UK Complexity Society; and
Executive Coordinator of SOL-UK (London)
(Society for Organisational Learning) 1977-2008.
EMK is Policy Advisor to European and USA
organisations, the European Commission, several
UK Government Departments; Scientific Advisor to
the Governments of Australia, Brazil, Canada,
Netherlands, Singapore and UK in developing a
framework of governance for government based on
complexity theory. Please see ‘A New
Synthesis of Public Administration: Serving in
the 21st Century’, by Jocelyne Bourgon,
P.C., O.C., McGill Queen’s University Press
EMK’s research has concentrated on the
implications of the theories of complexity for
organizations and specifically on strategy and
policy development and on the creation of
enabling environments to address apparently
intractable problems in business and the public
sector. She has led, and participated in
projects addressing practical problems using
complexity theory, funded by the EPSRC
(Engineering & Physical Sciences Research
Council), ESRC (Economics & Social Sciences
Research Council), AHRC (Art & Humanities
Research Council), the European Commission,
business and government, including: alignment
between IT and the rest of the business; the
reduction of problems associated with IT legacy
systems; lack of organisational integration
post-merger; project governance for a national
project delivered locally by multiple partners
for the Royal British Legion; a framework of
governance for government with 6 Government
Administrations; leadership in the National
Health Service (UK), Defra, and many other
organisations in the private and public sectors;
sustainable development in communities,
organizational learning, the emergence of new
organizational forms, the ‘design’ of
organizations, co-evolutionary sustainability,
innovation in the private and public sector,
diversity, art & complexity, disaster risk
reduction in West African States, energy &
climate change; relationship between policy and
outcomes (Health & Safety Executive);
uncertainty & risk in decision making for Local
Government; and contingency planning related to
evacuation following a major disaster.
EMK has developed a theory of complex social
systems and an integrated methodology using both
qualitative and quantitative tools and methods.
The theory is being used for teaching at
universities around the world, including three
EPSRC-funded short courses at LSE, to train
researchers; two courses at Beijing (Jan. 2010 &
Apr. 2011) to train senior government officials;
and short courses at Schumacher College, Devon,
UK. Publications, incl. a book on corporate
governance and complexity (2010) and the work of
the LSE Complexity Group are on
. A new volume, edited by EMK and based on
the work of Socionical Partners, is forthcoming,
to be published by Springer in 201.
The LSE Complexity Group’s Research Partnters
The Group has been working with AstraZeneca, BT,
BAe Systems, DWP (Dept. of Works & Pensions),
Defra (Dept. for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs), Citibank (New York & London),
GlaxoSmithKline, the Humberside TEC (Training &
Enterprise Council), Legal & General, Ministry
of Defence, Mondragon Cooperative Corporation
(Basque Country), the UK National Health
Service, Norwich Union Life, Rolls-Royce
(Aerospace & Marine), Royal British Legion,
Shell (International, Finance & Shell Internet
Works), the World Bank (Washington DC) and
several companies in the aerospace industry, to
address practical complex problems. In the
process it has developed a theory of complex
social systems and an integrated methodology
using both qualitative and quantitative tools
and methods. The work of the LSE Complexity
Group is at