Tom Cockburn

Tom Cockburn obtained his first degree
with honors from Leicester University, England,
both his MBA and doctorate (in management
education) were awarded by Cardiff University in
Wales. Tom also has several professional
teaching qualifications, including e-moderator
certification and executive coaching
qualifications from the UK Universities of
Wolverhampton, Liverpool, and University of
Ulster, the Waikato Institute of Technology, New
Zealand, Hay Consulting (Australia), and the
EdExcel Foundation in London. He is an Associate
Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of
Management and a member of the Cutting Edge
Awards Committee of the US Academy of HRD.
Tom has extensive Management and Leadership
consulting experience in the U.K. , New Zealand
and Australia, working with both public and
private sector organisations of various sizes.
His leadership background includes 5 years’
board experience on the Executive of the
Standing Conference of Welsh Management
Education Centres and 8 years as Head of a
Business school in the United Kingdom and a
Deputy Head of School role in New Zealand. He
has lectured at universities in the U.K. and E.U.,
New Zealand, Australia and S.E. Asia.Tom has
recently joined the Board of Trustees of K’aute
Pasifika, a Pacific Island Community NGO working
in the Healthcare, Social Development and
Education fields in New Zealand. Tom also has
Associate, adjunct and Visiting E-faculty roles
in the Henley Business School (United Kingdom)
and Ulster University Business Schools’ MBA and
MSc programs. He has published extensively on
teamwork, organizational learning, business
ethics, CSR and management education.
He has been a member of a number of editorial
boards of international academic journals
including the editorial board for the UK
Journal of Further & Higher Education,
Interface online journal (United States) and
the Editorial Advisory Board for the
Online Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
repository. Tom has co-written a new book on
Leadership with Peter A.C. Smith, titled “Dynamic
Leadership Models for Global Business: Enhancing
Digitally Connected Environments”, available
January 2013 from IGI Global;
pre-publication details
are available.