Leonardo Pineda Serna

Economist, (Ph.D) Cum Laudae, University of
Goettingen, Federal Republic of Germany.
Industrial Engineer Honoris Causa awarded
by the National School of Engineers of Metz,
ENIM, France.
Leonardo is a
Former CEO of Qubit Cluster Technology Based
Consortium (www.qubitcluster.com).
He is a Member of the Iberian American Community of
Knowledge Systems, Monterrey, México (http://www.sistemasdeconocimiento.org),
and the Cartagena Network of Engineering, France
as well as
Member of the Expert Group on technological
forecasting TECHCAST of Georgetown
University, Washington, headed by Professor William Halal.
Leonardo is also Honorary Member of the Colombia Digital
Corporation, a private-public initiative to
strengthen the use and application of ICT in
the Colombian society. Leonardo
was formerly Vice-President for Cooperation and
Development of the Colombian Federation of
Chambers of Commerce.
Leonardo is
International Consultant on Strategic Management
of Technology, Innovation and Knowledge and MBA
guest professor at several national and
international universities. He is an expert on the
consulting process with the goal of determining
the World's Most Admired Knowledge City (MAKCi)
in its 2008 edition. He is keynote speaker to various international forums
on issues related to technology clusters,
innovation poles, and knowledge enterprises.
He has extensive international experience in technical
cooperation projects for international
organizations at UNIDO in Vienna, Austria, FAO,
and the IADB.
The following methodologies have personally been
developed and applied by Leonardo in several developing
Technological Mapping to identify the gaps
between processes and technologies in SME and
the World state of the art.
Strategic Technology Plans, to close the gaps
identified in the technological mapping.
Competitiveness Strategies for the incubation of
technology based clusters. Developed jointly
with Professor Carlos Scheel, from EGADE, ITESM,
Monterrey, México.
methodology to assess the project priorities
using the logical framework.
methodology to identify the R&D+ innovation
capabilities of the organizations.
QC TIES: Technological Innovation Evaluation
holistic approach to determine SME technological
innovation capacity for new products, processes
and services.
Index to determine the organizational
intelligence memory for knowledge management in
the organizations. Joint undertaken between
Qubit Cluster and Mondragón Innovation and
Knowledge: MIK.
Bilbao Spain. |